Promoting the Study and Practice of Behavior Analysis
Sac State's resource for introducing you to the science of behavior analysis. From research to practice, SAABA strives to provide students with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of behavior analysis and its endless applications.

2023-2024 SAABA Officers
Armando Angulo
I am a third-year graduate student in the Verbal Behavior Research Laboratory under the advisement of Dr. Miguel. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from California State University, Sacramento, and am currently a Senior Therapist at H.O.P.E. Consulting, LLC. My research interests include verbal behavior, stimulus equivalence, and second-language acquisition. As President, I am excited to be a part of a wonderful organization that offers a sense of community and a place for those interested in Applied Behavior Analysis to cultivate their interests.
Vice President
Kiley Perkins
I am a third year graduate student in the Pediatric Behavior Research lab under the advisement of Dr. Becky Penrod. I obtained my undergraduate degree in Psychology from California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt. I am thrilled to be part of this wonderful organization as this year’s Vice President. As the Vice President, I am excited to be a part of a wonderful organization that offers a sense of community and a place for those interested in Applied Behavior Analysis to cultivate their interests. I am looking forward to connecting with all of you!
Twixt Toussaint Bernard-Pantin
I am currently a third-year graduate student in Dr. Denys Brand’s Performance Improvement Lab. I obtained my Bachelor’s in Psychology from the University of Florida. My research interests include organizational behavior management, procedural fidelity, non-monetary reinforcement, and macrocontingencies. I am looking forward to using my four years of treasury experience to further the objectives of this organization in these upcoming months.
Aimee Nunez
I am a second-year graduate student in Dr. Penrod’s Pediatric Behavior Research Lab. I obtained my undergraduate degree from University of California, Merced. After graduating undergrad, I worked in the field of ABA at Coyne and Associates for 4 years. I am now working as a RBT at BEST consulting inc. My research interests are feeding selectivity, problem behavior, and parent training. I’m excited to be your co-treasurer this year.
Emily Stellhorn
I am a third-year graduate student in Dr. Megan Heinicke’s NeuroRehabilitation Lab. I attended Sacramento State for my undergraduate degree and earned a bachelor’s in psychology and the Behavior Analysis Certificate. I have worked as an RBT for the last 5 years in both school and in-home settings. I am very excited to be part of SAABA as this year’s secretary and I look forward to meeting and connecting with you at our upcoming events!
Public Relations Specialist
Sofia Zamora Delgado
I am currently a second-year graduate student in the Performance Improvement Laboratory under the advisement of Dr. Denys Brand. I transferred from a community college to Sacramento state to complete a B.A in Psychology and minor in Biology. I ended up taking all the undergraduate behavior analysis courses since I was concurrently doing clinical work as a behavior therapist. The convergence of the coursework and applied work is what ignited my passion for Behavior Analysis. As the public relations specialist, I am thrilled to connect the members of SAABA with local agencies that are dedicated to the science of Behavior Analysis and are doing great work for both their clients and staff.
Media Specialist
Herdís Palsdottir
I am a third-year graduate student in the Verbal Behavior lab under the advisement of Dr. Caio Miguel. I'm an international student from Iceland and obtained my undergraduate degree from Reykjavík University. I am very excited to be part of this wonderful organization as this year's Media Specialist. As the media specialist, I share the organization's upcoming events, and essential information through all of SAABA's social media platforms. I am looking forward to connecting with all of you!
Event Coordinator
Sydney Stern
I am a second-year graduate student in Dr. Caio Miguel's Verbal Behavior Research Laboratory. I obtained my BS in Psychological and Brain Sciences from the University of California, Santa Barbara and I am currently a Therapist at H.O.P.E. Consulting, LLC. I am beyond excited to serve as SAABA's event coordinator! As event coordinator I have the privilege of planning fun and welcoming events on and off campus. I look forward to meeting you at our future events!
Marketing Specialist
Sydney Burlison
Sydney obtained her undergraduate degree in psychology from California State University, Sacramento, and is a second-year graduate student under the advisement of Dr. Denys Brand. She is currently a Behavior Consultant at B.E.S.T. Consulting Inc. Her research interests include procedural fidelity, performance feedback, and rapport building.
Membership Coordinator
Elizabeth Petrashishina
I am a second-year graduate student in Dr. Penrod's Pediatric Feeding Lab. I obtained my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from California State University, Sacramento. My research interests include pediatric feeding disorders, choice-making behavior, behavior analysis in health and fitness, and the treatment of problem behaviors. As the Membership Coordinator, I will be assisting individuals with obtaining and maintaining memberships. I am so excited to see what this academic year will bring!
Academic Liason
Jocelyn Hernandez
Jocelyn obtained her undergraduate degree in Psychology from California State University, Sacramento. While at Sac State, she also obtained her certificate in Behavior Analysis. Jocelyn is currently a first-year graduate student under the advisement of Dr. Ciobha McKeown. She also is currently working as a Behavior Therapist providing 1:1 therapy to children with developmental disabilities at H.O.P.E. Consulting, LLC. Jocelyn has been working in the field for a little over two years now, and her research interests are skill acquisition, procedural fidelity, experimental analysis of behavior, and verbal behavior. Jocelyn is looking forward to continuing her education in Behavior Analysis and serve as an officer in SAABA!